How to perform camel pose ( Ustrasana )
Camel pose, also known as Ustrasana in Sanskrit, is a yoga posture that involves a deep backbend, opening up the front of the body.
The name “Camel pose” comes from the visual resemblance the body takes on when performing the pose, with the hump-like arch created by the backbend.
In Camel pose, the practitioner begins by kneeling on the floor and then leans backward,
reaching back to grasp the heels or placing the hands on the lower back or pelvis for support.
This posture stretches and opens the chest, shoulders, and abdomen,
while simultaneously strengthening the back muscles and improving flexibility in the spine.
- Camel pose is considered an intermediate-level posture, as it requires both strength and flexibility.
How to perform camel pose: Ustrasana
- Start by coming onto your knees on a yoga mat or a comfortable surface.
- Ensure that your knees are directly beneath your hips, and your shins are parallel to each other.

- Place your hands on your hips, with your fingers pointing downward and your thumbs resting on your sacrum
- (the triangular bone at the base of your spine).
- Engage your core muscles and lengthen your tailbone down toward the floor, grounding through your knees and shins.
- As you inhale, lift your chest up and draw your shoulder blades toward each other,
- creating space and openness in your chest.
- Exhale and slowly start to lean back, shifting your weight from your knees to your feet.
- As you lean back, maintain the engagement in your core to support your lower back.
- Reach your right hand back and place it on your right heel or ankle.
- Simultaneously, reach your left hand back and place it on your left heel or ankle.
If you’re unable to reach your heels, rest your hands on your lower back with your fingers pointing downward.
- Once your hands are in position, gently press your shins and the tops of your feet into the floor,
- maintaining the engagement in your core and thighs.
- Inhale deeply and lift your chest upward, lengthening your spine and opening your heart further.
➊. Allow Hold And feel :
- Allow your head to gently drop back, keeping your neck relaxed and comfortable.
- Hold the pose for a few breaths, maintaining a steady and even breath.
- Feel the stretch in your entire front body, from your throat, chest, and abdomen to your thighs.
- To release the pose, bring your hands back to your hips, engage your core, and slowly come up to an upright position.
- Take a moment to rest in a neutral kneeling position or in Child’s pose to counterbalance the backbend.
Benefits : How to perform camel pose: Ustrasana
It can provide various benefits, including:
➊. Improved posture:
Camel pose helps to counteract the effects of prolonged sitting and hunching forward,
promoting an upright and open posture.
➋. Increased spinal flexibility:
The deep backbend in Camel pose stretches and mobilizes the entire length of the spine
, enhancing flexibility and range of motion.
➌. Opening of the chest and shoulders:
By expanding the chest and stretching the front of the shoulders,
Camel pose counteracts the rounded shoulders often associated with modern lifestyles.
➍. Strengthened back muscles:
The backbend in Camel pose engages and strengthens the muscles of the back,
including the erector spinae and the muscles along the spine.
➎. Improved digestion and circulation:
The compression and release of the abdomen in Camel pose can help stimulate digestion and enhance blood flow to the abdominal organs.
➏. Energetic and emotional release:
Backbends are known for their invigorating and uplifting effects,
potentially releasing stored tension and
promoting a sense of openness and emotional release.
Additional Tips :
some additional tips and variations to enhance the practice:
➊. Modify with props:
If reaching your heels feels challenging, you can use yoga blocks placed beside your feet for support.
Gradually decrease the height of the blocks as you gain flexibility.
➋. Use a strap:
If you find it difficult to reach your heels or hold your feet, you can use a yoga strap.
Place the strap around the front of your ankles and hold onto it with your hands to maintain a secure grip.
➌. Focus on alignment:
Pay attention to your alignment throughout the pose.
Keep your knees hip-width apart and avoid allowing them to splay outward.
Engage your quadriceps to maintain stability and protect your knees.
➍. Protect your neck:
While dropping your head back is an option, it’s essential to be cautious and avoid strain on the neck.
If you feel discomfort, keep your head in a neutral position or gently drop your chin towards your chest.
➎. Gradually increase the backbend:
If you’re new to Camel pose or have limited flexibility, start with a smaller backbend.
Gradually deepen the pose over time as your body becomes more comfortable and open.
➏. Use breath awareness:
Focus on maintaining a steady and relaxed breath throughout the pose.
Deep inhalations will help you expand your chest,
while exhales can aid in releasing tension and relaxing into the posture.
➐. Warm-up before practicing:
As Camel pose involves a deep backbend, it’s beneficial to warm up your body before attempting the pose.
Perform gentle stretches for the spine, shoulders, and hips, or include preparatory poses like Bridge or Cow pose.
➑. Practice with caution:
If you have any neck or back injuries or conditions, such as
herniated discs or osteoporosis, it’s crucial to approach Camel pose with caution or seek guidance from a qualified yoga instructor.
They can provide modifications or alternatives to ensure your safety.
Remember, everyone’s body is unique,
so it’s important to listen to your body’s signals and modify the pose accordingly.
Yoga is a practice of self-care and self-awareness, so honor your body’s limitations
and enjoy the benefits of Camel pose at your own pace.
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Note :
As with any yoga pose, it’s important to practice Camel pose mindfully,
listening to your body and respecting your limits.
If you’re new to the pose or have any concerns,
it’s advisable to seek guidance from a qualified yoga instructor who can
provide proper alignment cues and modifications tailored to your individual needs.
FAQs : How to perform camel pose: Ustrasana
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) that users might ask about Camel pose (Ustrasana):
➊. How long should I hold Camel pose?
The duration of holding Camel pose can vary depending on your comfort level and experience.
Start with a few breaths and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable.
It’s important to listen to your body and come out of the pose if you feel any pain or strain.
➋. What are the benefits of Camel pose?
Camel pose stretches the front of the body,
opens the chest and shoulders, strengthens the back muscles,
improves posture, increases spinal flexibility,
stimulates digestion, and promotes emotional release.
➌. Is Camel pose suitable for beginners?
Camel pose is generally considered an intermediate-level pose due to its deep backbend and flexibility requirements.
Beginners should approach it with caution and gradually work on building the necessary strength and flexibility.
It’s advisable to seek guidance from a qualified yoga instructor.
➍. What should I do if I can’t reach my heels in Camel pose?
If reaching your heels is challenging, you can use yoga blocks or a strap for support.
Place the blocks beside your feet or use a strap around the ankles to hold onto,
gradually working towards reaching your heels over time.
➎. Can I do Camel pose if I have back pain?
If you have back pain or any pre-existing back conditions,
- it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified yoga instructor before attempting Camel pose.
Modifications or alternative poses may be recommended based on your specific condition.
Healthflies says :
It’s always recommended to seek personalized guidance from a qualified yoga instructor or healthcare professional to ensure a safe and effective practice.
- The information provided by Us,
- is for general informational purposes only and may not be suitable for your specific situation.