How to perform Vishnu mudra?

 Topic / blog :  How to perform Vishnu mudra?



Ancient civilizations and cultures have utilized mudras,

which are ancient hand gestures and symbolic poses, in their spiritual and

cultural practices for thousands of years.

These practices have been passed down through generations, firmly establishing them in the roots of ancient traditions.



Vishnu Mudra


How to perform Vishnu mudra?


Vishnu is one of the principal deities in Hinduism and is considered the preserver and protector of the universe.

It is possible that the term “Vishnu mudra”

is used to refer to a hand gesture associated with Lord Vishnu or one that represents qualities attributed to Vishnu,

such as balance, harmony, and




How to perform Vishnu mudra? 



Vishnu mudra is a hand gesture or mudra commonly used in yoga and meditation practices.

Here’s how you can perform Vishnu mudra:



Steps : How to perform Vishnu mudra? 



  • Sit comfortably in a cross-legged position or on a chair with your spine erect and shoulders relaxed.
  • Bring your right hand up to your face, keeping the palm open and facing forward.
  • Bend your index and middle fingers of the right hand, and bring them to touch the base of your right thumb.
  • Extend your ring finger and little finger straight out.
  • Rest your right hand on your right knee or thigh, with the palm facing upward.
  • Place your left hand on your left knee or thigh, with the palm facing upward as well.
  • Relax your shoulders and allow your elbows to drop down naturally.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing your body and mind to relax.
  • You can hold Vishnu mudra for a few minutes or for as long as you feel comfortable.
  • To release the mudra, gently straighten your fingers and bring your hands back to your lap.


Mudras for mental and physical health

Yoga mudras for stomach problems

Yoga mudras for healthy Heart



Note  : 


  • While performing Vishnu mudra, you can focus on your breath, chant a mantra, or simply observe the sensations in your body.
  • It is believed to help balance the flow of energy in the body and promote a sense of calmness and harmony.
  • Remember to listen to your body and adjust the position as needed to ensure comfort during the practice.





How to perform Vishnu mudra?

Calming and Balancing:


Practitioners believe that this mudra actively calms the nervous system, 

promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety and stress.

It can help balance the energies within the body, bringing about a sense of equilibrium and inner harmony.



Energy Regulation :


Practitioners believe that the Vishnu Mudra actively regulates the flow of prana (life force energy) within the body.

They believe that assuming this mudra balances the energy channels,

enabling a smoother flow of vital energy throughout the system.



Concentration and Focus:


Practicing the Vishnu Mudra during meditation or other contemplative practices may enhance concentration and focus.

It can help quiet the mind, allowing for a deeper level of concentration and

an increased ability to direct and sustain attention.



Emotional Stability:


Believers attribute regular practice of the Vishnu Mudra to the ability to stabilize and balance emotions.


How to do Prana Mudra? 


It may aid in reducing feelings of restlessness, agitation, or anger and

promote a sense of emotional well-being and equanimity.




Spiritual Connection:


In Hinduism, practitioners associate this mudra with Lord Vishnu, a divine and benevolent deity.

By assuming the Vishnu Mudra, practitioners may seek to cultivate a deeper spiritual connection or

invoke the qualities and energies associated with Lord Vishnu, such as harmony, preservation, and protection.



Healthflies says : 


It’s important to remember that individual experiences and benefits may vary, and

the effects of mudras can be subtle and subjective.

It’s advisable to approach mudra practice with an open mind, regularity, and a sense of mindfulness,

and consult with a qualified yoga teacher or practitioner for guidance

and personalized instruction.



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